Planning Poker
Planning poker is a tool we use to estimate a projects features
at a high level during release planning.
Each member of the Scrum Team is given a set of cards with
numbers from 1 to 100, following a sequence similar to the
Fibonnacci series.

- The Product Owner comes to the Release Planning meeting with a
prioritised list of things that need doing - the Product
- The Product Owner presents the highest priority item from the
Product Backlog to the team.
- The Scrum Team runs through the Product Backlog to decide what
the feature that will take the least amount of time to deliver -
this feature is valued a 1.
- The Scrum Team can ask questions to clarify the features
- Each member from the Scrum then chooses a card that they feel
represents the size of the feature in relation to the feature they
values as a 1
- If the members have choosen a wide range of numbers for the
feature they discuss the feature and then play again. The
discussion is time boxed to 3 minuets.
- The Scrum Team keeps playing until they have a concenus as to
the number of points the feature should be awarded.
- The Product Owner and Team repeat the process so they have
enough of the Product Backlog estimated for 2 or 3 Sprints.
There is always a lot of discussion when teams first start using
planning poker to estimate work as to does 1 point represent 1
hour. The points do not have any relation to time, they are simply
a weighting to demonstrate how big in relation to the baseline
feature (the feature valued as 1 point). The most important thing
about planning poker is that it gets the Scrum Team and Product
Owner talking so everyone gets a common understanding of the
features requirements and size.